14 West Street
Newtown, CT 06470
Worship Services
Sunday 10AM-11AM
Office Hours
Tues.- Fri. 9AM-5PM
Thrift Center
Public Hours
Tues. -Thurs., & Sat.
10:00AM - 1:00PM
The main organizational structure of NCC is the Core Leadership Team which is comprised of a Moderator & Vice Moderator, Treasurer & Assistant Treasurer, Lead Pastor & other pastors, a Clerk, the Liaison from each of the four Ministries, and the Foundational Resources Manager.
Once a month the Core Leadership Team gathers to communicate with each other our congregation's spiritual health and growth, activities, and/or issues needing attention.
Each Main Ministry of the NCC structure focuses on specific aspects of the church:
CORE LEADERSHIP TEAM (CLT): Long & Short Range Vision, Oversight, Stewardship, Finance Oversight, Personnel, Annual Meeting.
CONGREGATIONAL CARE MINISTRY (CCM): Care for the Congregation, Visitations and Contact, Care Cards, Prayer Groups, Fellowships, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Parish Nurse
Program, Social Gatherings.
FOUNDATIONAL RESOURCES MINISTRY (FRM): Building Maintenance and Usage, Finances.
GLOBAL COMMUNITY MINISTRY (GCM): "Care for Our Neighbors", Mission Groups, Cornerstone Thrift Center.
NURTURE MINISTRY (NM): Spiritual Formation and Education for all ages.
WORSHIP MINISTRY (WM): Services, Music, Altar Flowers, and After Worship Connection Time.