14 West Street
Newtown, CT 06470
Worship Services
Sunday 10AM-11AM
Office Hours
Tues.- Fri. 9AM-5PM
Thrift Center
Public Hours
Tues. -Thurs., & Sat.
10:00AM - 1:00PM
“Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth” - 1 John 3:18
In gratitude for God’s abundant love, we are people compelled to love our neighbors beyond ourselves. Outreach efforts are dispersed throughout the congregation and are collectively called Global Community Ministry. Our outreach includes local, national, and global ministries. It addresses immediate needs, education, development, creation care, and justice issues. The gifts we share include funds, service, compassion, items, facility space, and conservation.
The organizations and programs NCC supports are listed below along with website links to learn more. NCC’s support includes volunteer service, donated items, funding or any combination of these. Funding sources include both allocated budget monies and individual gifts designated for specific causes.
In addition to providing support to numerous organizations, NCC also helps neighbors who are in need through our limited funding, special fundraising, and referrals to local resources.
As a service to the community, NCC generously provides space for many local nonprofits and support groups (some of which are listed below) at a reduced cost (or often for a donation).
American Red Cross - Prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies. NCC hosts, promotes, and provides facility space for blood drives, as well as donates budget funds. Learn More.
Bridgeport Rescue Mission (BRM) - Cares for the mental, physical, and spiritual health of all who walk through their doors. At the Mission, people are met where they are so they can be raised up by God's grace. Fights poverty “from the inside out” with food, clothing, shelter, and recovery programs. NCC donates funds, holds fundraisers provides volunteer,s and donates turkeys for Thanksgiving. The Cornerstone Thrift Center contributes clothing, blankets, and other items. Learn More.
Change the Story - Community programs co-sponsored with the Parent Connection that addresses substance abuse and addiction. Learn More.
C.H. Booth Library - The library’s access to resources enable lively community conversations about and research into important topics.
Church World Service (CWS) - A ministry of Christian denominations transforming communities around the globe through just and sustainable responser to hunger, poverty, displacement, and disasters.
Danbury Hospital (ER) - Our congregation brings new toys and stuffed animals to worship to be given to children who muct be in the hospital curing the Holiday Season.
Dorothy Day Hospitality House - Provides meals and shelter 7 days a week. NCC volunteers make and deliver sandwiches to Dorothy Day on a monthly basis. Learn More.
Dress a Girl Around the World (DAG) - Volunteers sew clothing for at-risk children so they will know they are worthy of respect and loved by God. NCC hosts an annual Sew-A-Thon and recruits volunteers. The Cornerstone Thrift Center collects material for the project. Learn More.
Dress for Success (Fairfield) - Enables women to break the cycle ofpoverty by providing donated apparel, accessories, and training for safer and better futures. NCC makes financial donations. Learn More.
Faith Food Pantry (Newtown) - Provides food assistance to Newtown residents. Learn More.
Families United in Newtown (FUN) - Provides individuals with special needs and their families, social opportunities in a caring environment through themed meetings. NCC provides facility space, volunteers, and donates funds. Learn More.
Feed the Children - Delivers food, and household essentials, nutrition training, clean water programs, school supplies, and disaster assistance. Learn More.
Friends of Kenya Rising - Assists students and families as they rise out of poverty in western Kenya.
Golden Opportunities - Works to enhance the quality of life for elder care facilities residents, and provides respite and educational programs for caregivers. Learn More.
Home Front - Provides low income local residents free home repairs through community-based volunteers. NCC provides fundraiser proceeds and volunteers for annual projects. Learn More.
Interfaith Partnership for Refugee Resettlement (IPRR) -Works with Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services (IRIS) to co-sponsor refugee families and help them resettle in the Newtown area. NCC provides fundraiser proceeds,volunteer leadership, volunteer service, and storage space for donated goods until needed. Learn More.
Mothers United Against Violence (MUAV) - Provides compassion and support for Hartford families affected by violence and advocates for gun violence prevention, youth development, and other supportive community programs. NCC provides volunteers, items of need,and funds through fundraisers and GCM budgeted resources. Learn More.
Newtown Fund - Working with Newtown Social Services, acts as a safety net for Newtown residents by paying for food, fuel assistance, utility bills, rent, and medical expenses. The program also distributes Christmas holiday gift, some of which are provided by NCC congregants through the December "Adopt-A-Family" drive. Learn More.
Newtown Non-Profit Council - NCC is part of this organization that offers ways to share God's love through local service. Learn More.
Real Food CT -Connects local farms and hunger relief organizations to provide neighbors in need with the nutrition they deserve in South-western Connecticut. NCC contributes to the support of this organization and encourages volunteers to assist. Learn More.
Regional Hopsice (Danbury) - Approaches death by creating human connection and honoring each unique journey through a shared vision for living. At their Annual Breakfast fundraiser NCC sponsors a table, provides volunteers, and occasionaly provides speakers. Learn More.
Salavation Army - Assists individuals to become more independent through services and programs. NCC provides holiday bell ringer volunteers. Learn More.
Saint Martin De Porres Academy - Provides faith-based educvation to low-income middle school students in New Haven CT. Collections are taken at NCC to deliver to the school. Learn More.
Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign (Newtown) - Raises funds to address emergency needs. 90% of local donations are used in Newtown to serve residents in need through partnerships with Newtown Human Services. Learn More
Sandy Hook Promise - Begun as a result of our 12/14/12 tradgedy, this organization educates and empowers youth and adults to prevent violence in their community. It teaches how to recognize, intervene, and get help for individuals who may be at risk of hurting themselves or others. Learn Mor
Scouts of America (BSA) - Troop 270 ( and Pack 270 ( are chartered with NCC. We provide facility space, storage, and volunteers when needed. Learn More.
Swords to Plowshares - Raises awareness about gun safety, violence, and takeback programs. Learn More.
In addition to participating in the NCC-supported programs listed above, our congregants are also individually active in serving as Christ in many other community organizations which include the following:
Life's most persistent and urgent question is,
"What are you doing for others?:
-Martin Luther King, Jr. -