14 West Street
Newtown, CT 06470
Worship Services
Sunday 10AM-11AM
Office Hours
Tues.- Fri. 9AM-5PM
Thrift Center
Public Hours
Tues. -Thurs., & Sat.
10:00AM - 1:00PM
Worship: Each Sunday adults, youth, and children arrive at the church just prior to 10:00AM. Most Sundays the children and youth begin in the worship service and depart for Small Chapel immediately following the Children's Message. The remainder of the worship service includes prayers, hymns, an offering, scripture readings, and a message of the day. The entire service lasts about an hour (slightly longer on communion Sundays).
Communion: Everyone in attendance is invited to the Lord's Table for communion that takes place on the first Sunday of each month. Children are invited to participate in the partaking of the elements if their parents/guardians are in agreement. For those unable to physically attend the service, our Deacons are commissioned during the service and distribute the communion elements to the home-bound.
In service communion: We partake of the bread as we receive it to symbolize our personal relationship with our Lord & God. We hold the cup until all are served and can partake in unison to symbolize that we are all one.
Connection Time (frequently referred to as "coffee hour") takes place in the Great Room (community room) following the worship service. This social time is available to spend getting to know the congregation of NCC. It is hosted each week by individuals and groups of the church. Donations for expenses are greatly appreciated.