
You are welcome not only for Sunday worship service, but anytime the NCC building is open. Feel free to visit the office to obtain information, get a quick refreshment, or to just have someone to chat with. You are welcome here! 

We would love to provide you with more information about NCC or other local houses of worship to help you in discerning what might best fit your needs. Feel welcome to contact us at any time by calling 203-426-9024 or emailing the office

Inquirer's Classes

At 11:30AM in the Sanctuary during scheduled Inquirer classes our pastors get an opportunity to meet you and you to meet them. The classes provide a more personal time for you to gain information about NCC and the United Church of Christ, as well as get the answers to any questions you might have.

New Memberships

Once an individual has attended an Inquirer's Class, they are able to be received into the membership of NCC  during the specified worship service. Please notify the office if you are considering joining the church.




Worship Services

It can pretty much go without saying; much can be learned from worship services. But also, sometimes the Christian terms get in the way and hinder our learning - for instance, many of us had to learn just what a "narthex" was (the entry to the church).

If "church words" get in your way, let the pastor or the office know what the word is so that it can be explained in the next publication of the monthly newsletter, because most likely there are other people who also don't know what the word means.

Pastor's Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Reverend Matt Crebbin leads a Bible study class in the church library on Wednesday mornings from 10:00AM until 11:30AM. This is an ongoing class from Sept. through June and may be joined at any time. Several of the participants grab a cup of coffee and a small treat from the church office to enjoy during the class.

Reading Group

NEWCONGREADS: Looking for a good book to read.? Then consider this invitation to all NCC attenders to join the book club. We vote on the book to be read, usually not a religious content, but books worth discussing. Contact to receive information on how to participate.

The Church Library

The church library contains quite a bit of reference material that is not only about the Christian faith, but other faiths as well. The library is here for you, please use it and enjoy it.




The key to making "a church" into "MY CHURCH!"

Within Newtown Congregational Church there are many opportunities to experience a deeper sense of the Christian faith and to form richer relationships with the people who call this "MY CHURCH". It can be done through Bible study classes, worship participation, teaching children, working on outreach endeavors, becoming a member of one of the ministries, hosting Connection Time, joining in fellowship events, or many, many, other ways! The fastest way to enrich your familiarity with your fellow church members and the intricate workings of the church is to become involved in several groups, ministries, and/or outreach opportunities. 

There are quite a few opportunities for involvement listed in this section of the website, but keep in mind that as you browse through this website almost every aspect of NCC runs on volunteer power. This is what makes NCC special - by volunteering to help this church your time & talent investment is what makes it become "MY CHURCH".

If you would like to get involved, but are not sure where or how, please visit the NCC office and ask for assistance.

Sunday Morning Connection Time (aka Coffee Hour)

Each Sunday, following the worship service, the church has a social time called Connection Time, but known to many as Coffee Hour - a time to gather and enjoy the company of others as well as have some refreshments. As a congregation, we have intentionally focused ourselves on providing an "extravagant welcome" to our visitors and new members. However, during Connection Time we can't help but use this time to catch up and reconnect with each other. Unfortunately this often leaves us forgetting to provide hospitality to our visitors and newer members and to include them into our conversations. It truly is our sincere desire to be "extravagant welcomers" and we hope that you will be patient and consider that this excitement is contagious and soon, you too will be focusing on catching up with your church family on Sunday mornings!... see you Sunday during and after worship!

Hosting Connection Time is easy:

-Find the "Instruction Sheet" in the kitchen and follow the proceedure.
-Check the kitchen to make sure there is coffee, milk, 1/2&1/2, sugar, paper products, etc.
-Make purchases and save the receipts of items purchased.
-On the Sunday you are hosting, arrive around 9:30AM to prepare the food and make the coffee & tea.
-Enjoy Connection Time.
-Clean up and remember to reimburse your expenses from the donations received.(If there has not been enough donated, submit your out-of-pocket cost to the church office and you will be reimbursed. If more dontations are given that the purchases cost, leave the remainder in the donations basket). 

Men's Service Group

The men of the church meet quarterly at a local restaurant to enjoy fellowship and work on service project plans. Their programs include Salvation Army bell ringing in December, Christmas tree lighting, Memorial Garden maintenance, Valentine's breakfast for the women of the church, a summer picnic, and at their heart is support for the Feed Children charitable organization.

Women's Fellowship

Women of the church belong to a fellowship "circle" that provides an opportunity to enjoy the close relationships and support offered to each other. The women enjoy working on service projects and hosting special events.The Circle meets at 10:00AM. in the Great Room on the second Tuesday of each month. 

Help the Nurture Ministry

Laying a strong Christian foundation is a vital ministry which needs many hands in order for it to be successful in building a Christian faith in the future citizens and leaders of America. The volunteer opportunities are numerous, but rewarding: 3rd Grade Bible Breakfast food preparer; End of Year Picnic food preparer; Christmas Pageant Assistant; 3rd Grade Bible Breakfast Coordinator; Christmas Pageant Director; End of Year Picnic Coordinator; Weekly Nursery Care; Nurture Board Member; Teacher or Shepherd; Small Chapel Leader; or Nurture Liaison.

And then there's the positions to encourage our youth to continue in their faith journies: Youth Group Assistant; Youth Group Leader; Retreat Chaperone; Confirmation Class Mentor; work camp Advisory Board Member; and Workcamp Chaperone.

Assist During Sunday Worship

Greet:  The fastest way to get to know the congregation is to greet them as they enter for Sunday Worship. Position youself just past the exterior entry doors and just before the first set of glass doors. The rest is easy... put a smile on your face, welcome those who enter, and even introduce yourself if you'd like.

Usher: By offering to usher during a worship service, you will not only be assisting your church but also providing yourself with an opportunity to meet the many friends and members of the congregation. This is a great way to begin volunteering with your church. There is no commitment other than the Sunday in which you have offered to usher and it is a very uncomplicated proceedure.

Worship Leader: Sounds like a bigger responsibility than it is. The Worship Leader sits with the pastors at the beginning of the service and reads the Call to Worship and the Prayer of Invocation.

Musician/Singer: Individuals or groups are encouraged to offer their musical talents. During the school year the Adult Choir rehearses Thursday evenings from 8:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. During the summer months, when the Adult Choir takes a break, the church seeks musical talent to enhance the summer worship services.

Deacon: Provide spiritual lay leadership by preparing and serving communion on the first Sunday of each month; assist the pastors with baptisms and special services; and have a visitation minitry that takes communion to our "shut-ins".

Present "The Message": By volunteering to give The Message one Sunday it not only gives the pastor a break, but is a refreshing change. These messages are usually interesting perspectives given by our lay people.




Stewardship means more than finacial contributions.

Stewardship is defined as making a donation of yourself either through a gift of your time, your skills, or your finances. Below are some Stewardship opportunities that involve the gift of your time and/or skills:

Stewardship Tasks:

It takes alot of hands to keep a church and its building running smoothly. What may seem like small inconsequential volunteer tasks are in actuality huge helps to the ministries and individuals who regularly spend endless hours trying to keep on top of all that needs to be accomplished in a large building.

If you are interested in lending us some of your time, below are a few items that could be taken care of:

  • Weeding any garden
  • Sweeping cobwebs and bugs from the interior corners and exterior entrances
  • Cleaning glass doors and windows, including removal of scotch tape
  • Periodically checking and installing batteries into clocks
  • Cleaning kitchen (includes refridgerator)
  • Scrubbing baseboards along the hallways
  • Cleaning walls and doors
  • Checking and replacing lightbulbs
  • Organizing any closet... just choose one

Help With Children and Youth:

Our Nurture Ministry Liaison, Coordinators, and Small Chapel Leader are always in search of assistance. They like to provide a full eudcational experience and as such need volunteers to help with teaching and special programs. Below is a list of some of the help you could provide:

  • Small Chapel
  • Teachers
  • 3rd Grade Bible Breakfast
  • Christmas Pageant
  • Easter Egg Hunt
  • Spring Hike with Ice Cream at the end
  • Recognition Sunday
  • Pentecost Inter-generational Birthday Party
  • Dinners for our teen Youth Group

Sunday Connection Time, Special Gatherings, and Receptions:

  • Sunday Connection Time (know to many as Coffee Hour) is hosted weekly by groups or individuals
  • Set-up, Clean-up, and food are needed for most gathering events


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© Newtown Congregational Church, UCC