Organization and Members
Global Community Ministry (GCM) at NCC encompasses efforts throughout the congregation to reach out in service to the world beyond the congregation. This includes but is not limited to local,
national, international, and global missions, racial and other justice issues, outreach to our local community, and marketing.
These varied efforts are overseen and supported by three elected members who form the GCM Team:
One GCM Liaison
Two GCM Coordinators
This Team provides tactical tools and planning, oversight, and assistance to the projects and their leaders throughout the congregation. The GCM Team Liaison maintains robust communication with
the Core Leadership Team and works with the two GCM team coordinators to oversee, coordinate, and support outreach projects. Occasionally the Team itself or a member leads an outreach activity, but
generally, the team exists to help, coordinate, and represent other ministries, groups, and leaders in their outreach projects. GCM Team members are elected one per year on a rotating schedule
to ensure team and program continuity. The Minister of Youth and Mission provides guidance.
A team of one elected liaison, two elected coordinators, and the Minister of Youth and Mission
Global Community
Ministry Collectively, all NCC activities associated with outreach beyond the congregation
A specific organization or person who receives the benefit of an NCC outreach project
Outreach Project
A service and/or
fundraising activity that benefits an cause outside NCC
Liason and Responsibilities
- Oversee team functions, including setting and tracking annual GCM goals to support NCC goals; calling, setting agendas and documenting meetings; tracking action items;
setting the annual GCM team budget; and assisting coordinators in designating and supporting assigned causes.
- Create and communicate an overview of church outreach activities.
- Plan and track the disbursement of funds allocated to GCM’s management through the NCC budget and the receipts and disbursement of NCC fundraiser proceeds allocated to
- Coordinate with the Office Manager to monitor scheduling of GCM projects and fundraisers.
- Check and manage the GCM mailbox in the church office.
- Communicate ministry information and opportunities to the congregation and the external community. This includes newsletters, newsblasts, moments for mission, website
content, annual reports, bulletin boards, calendars, newspaper articles, and other media.
- Ensure the NCC website reflects current GCM information.
- Prepare reports to and attend CLT meetings.
Coordinator Responsibilities
The GCM liaison and pastor may assume coordinator responsibilities for selected causes.
- Designate a coordinator for each supported cause
- Offer and support outreach project leaders for assigned causes as needed, including helping with project design, scheduling, publicity, and volunteer recruitment
- Track and share status in GCM tracking system and at GCM meetings
- Develop profiles describing assigned causes and related NCC projects
- Communicate project information to the GCM liaison for communication to the congregation and external audiences
- Present requests for fundraisers to GCM Team
- Apprise the GCM team of project and cause developments; contribute agenda items for GCM team meetings
- Attend CLT meeting with voting privilege as Liaison’s proxy if requested
Shared GCM Team Responsibilities
The GCM coordinators and liaison determine individual responsibilities as desired relative to the following shared team responsibilities:
- Develop annual mission, vision, goals and action items for NCC’s Global Community Ministry program and the GCM team
- Develop guidelines for adopting or continuing to support a program, including relevance to values and goals, and target distribution among cause categories (such as
local/national/global, fundraising/direct service, immediate need/long term justice, work trips/local)
- Review new and renewed project and cause proposals relative to goals, schedule, and type of cause and project
- Develop and maintain a catalog of NCC adopted causes, associated projects and current status
- Coordinate regular communications to the congregation about NCC’s outreach projects and activities, including newsletter entries, annual reports, bulletin and
email posts, ministry moments, etc
- Maintain the GCM bulletin board to reflect NCC outreach engagement and opportunities
- Elect/identify delegates for Fairfield East regional UCC and regional SNEUCC conference