Newtown Ecumenical Workcamp Servants ( N.E.W.S.)

This mission group is for High School youth from 9th grade through 12th grade. It is ecumenical, which means it involves youth from local churches of varied denominations. The group is called the N.E.W.S (Newtown Ecumenical Workcamp Servants) because through the years we have served people in the North, East, West, and South. Our members are lovingly known as "workcampers".

Each year a service trip is planned to take place during a week in the summer. Planning and fundraising for the trip is a year-long process for these youth, but it is all worthwhile when they learn how they are able to improve the living conditions, the spirits, and even the faith of the people they work for.

They discover first- hand that regardless of geography, education, or economic class, we are all equal members of the family of God.


To Support The Program: If you would like to support the NEWS program or a specific workcamper, please click on the button below; when the new "onrealm" window opens, scroll down the options of donation choices until the "NEWS" option that you need is found. In the "memo" section please type in the workcamper's full name.

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